[Theory] To Ply or Not To Ply

…That is the question!

Have you noticed how 2-ply toilet paper these days seems to be pretending it is 3-ply?

I’ve tried a few (but not a lot), and each brand seems to do the same. It is virtually impossible to begin unravelling just two plies (is that the correct plural?).
Instead, one ply is slightly longer and stuck to the end of the double-ply at the ‘beginning point’.

Therefore, one always begins by unravelling three plies instead of two.


Continue reading [Theory] To Ply or Not To Ply


Picture the scene: Sunday morning -enjoying a dozy rest in the comfort of my own bed, while the children play and fight noisily with each other downstairs, I casually look up to the light straining through the window.

Who do I see there, peering through his camera lens?
Why, it’s only the greatest film director of all time (in my opinion), Mr. Stanley Kubrick himself!


THING -I hung my monitor

I was in PCWorld today and found a bracket that would allow me hang a monitor on my wall. 30euros. I would’ve been happy to pay 20, but I somehow managed to grit a smile as I handed over the full whack.

Anyway, to make a short story only slightly shorter, I came home and eagerly dug out my trusty toolbox, drill and meter-level.
Because the full bracket was in two parts and would be entirely behind the monitor, I had to take some measurements on the height of the bracket in relation to the height of the monitor itself.
Carefully I measured from the top of the monitor to the top of where the bracket was going. Then I measured the same distance on the wall and made two small markings (I used a felt-tip as I couldn’t find my pencil) and proceeded to drill. …Yes I used the level-meter to keep it straight!

Monitor placed! A perfect job well done! Not a bother!

…Except it was too high. Just by an inch or so.
I removed the screws & rawl plugs, placed the bracket lower, re-set the monitor and sat down to examine.
Continue reading THING -I hung my monitor