HTC Desire Review


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Hazard is a new member of the team and should be along here more often to discuss techy things, or anything else that takes his fancy. Or not.


In an ingenious plan along reverse-engineering lines Hazard is being paid in monkeys, so we’re expecting peanuts from him and we’re certain we won’t be disappointed!


Take it away Hazard…

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.isOn a basic level, as a phone the HTC Desire has the best coverage for making and receiving calls that I have experienced to date. In my house, with any previous mobile (on the same network), I would have to go upstairs to get stable coverage for a call. The HTC is the first phone I have had that allows me to make calls anywhere in the house. Seems like a basic requirement but this is my first time being able to do this 🙂

Next greatest thing about it is the apps – there are over 100,000 of the things
now and there is an app for pretty much anything you want. Obviously these are also available to any other Android phone, but since the HTC Desire is my first move into this world I’m putting it down as a plus here.
I’m not talking about the stupid fart apps and cartoony games, but genuinely useful stuff like SSH client, Remote Desktop viewer, an excellent web browser with full Flash support, a brilliant app for geocaching (the GPS accuracy is unbelievably good by the way), Dropbox for accessing your files anywhere, Torque for connecting to your car’s engine and logging data, an IMDB app, Google Maps and Navigation (yes unlike
Nokia maps these need a net connection – but having a phone like this without a data plan would be crazy). Plus the Android user base has definitely reached a critical mass now, so any cool app you hear about on the iPhone will generally exist on Android too. When companies release an iPhone app for something (e.g.
RTE, Amazon, Paddy Power, etc etc) they will now make an Android version too.


Also I like the way it integrates with your Google account to keep all your stuff. Some folks might not like Google having their fingers in everything but when you have your contacts, calendar and email all stored in the infamous “cloud” then it becomes less of an ordeal if you need to switch phone. On a new Android device, all I would have to do is run the initial setup wizard with my Google login & password, and from then on the phone will download and sync with all my stuff automatically. Plus if someone gives me their phone number, I can just create a new contact in Google contacts on my PC and it will pop up on the phone seconds later.
Again, this is the Android aspect and so not related specifically to this phone, but since they are features of the HTC Desire I feel they are appropriate to state.

Other things I like about it – it’s fast, it’s stable, it’s tough (as seen on holidays when I basically sat on a pointy rock with it in my back pocket.. the cheap screen-protector I had bought on ebay was torn, but thankfully the screen itself was undamaged. Phew!). It can act as a portable wifi hotspot, allowing its data plan to be used to connect your laptop to the net when you’re on the move.

Anyway, yeah, I like it! So, what don’t I like…

#1 – the internal storage for apps is too small. Applications usually consist of a certain size of “core” data that must be on internal phone memory, and then the rest of their data sits on the SD card. If you have a lot of apps that require large core data storage, then you’ll start to run out of internal memory. And then you have to uninstall stuff in order to put on new stuff. It requires a bit of discipline but I suppose it’s manageable. Would be nice to have more internal space tho. I have an 8GB SD card btw. You can go up to 32GB.

#2 – the external speaker is woeful. You certainly wouldn’t enjoy watching videos or listening to music on it for any length of time without headphones. It’s barely good enough to make ringing noises. The Nokia 5800 has spoiled me in this regard I think, the sound quality from that was excellent, way better than any other phone before or since.

#3 – some people complain about the battery life. It doesn’t bother me personally, but you pretty much need to charge the phone every night. If you don’t, chances are you’ll be in the red sometime the following day. When you get the HTC first, the battery life seems to be only a few hours! However the battery itself takes a few recharges in order to reach full capacity, and also during the first week or so, you tend to be playing with it constantly… once you get past the first week or two though the battery life isn’t really an issue.

Ummm… that’s all I can think of.


As a personal aside, I beliece now (early 2011) is not the best time to buy a new droid -or any smartphone for that matter. The rate of development at the moment is scary – all the manufacturers are ramping
up the specs to compete with each other (apart from Apple who are content with their direction -and why not?).
In another six months you’ll have dual-core cpus in mainstream phones and more internal storage. And next year, quad-core!

Of course, whether you need any of that in a phone is debatable 🙂 But when the phones nowadays are basically Linux computers you can put in your pocket, more power is always welcome.



Reviews that might help


Gadget Review


IN DEPTH REVIEW: HTC Desire outguns the iPhone?


Youtube review


Hazard out.

New Direction: Tech Reviews


It’s been a while since anything was posted here. Sorry for that. But now I’m happy to announce a new addition to the dumping ground that is Tech Reviews.


These reviews will feature products that are in use by our reviewers for quite a while -not quick impressions from a convention centre or dry statistics from a lab-setting, but down to earth views from people who use them regularly: How useful are their headline features really? Does it live up to the hype? What unexpected pleasures or faults are in the product and how does it compare with similar items.


Obviously for this reason, we won’t be delivering the quickest reviews of the latest products, nor will we be going into minute detail. Such reviews and specs are available elsewhere and we’ll guide you to those where appropriate. Our reviews wil be more along the lines of “why I love my chair” or “the cupboard where I put all my stuff that I never loved and here’s why”… except about specfic tech items.


First review will go up next week, by tech-junkie Hazard and will concern the HTC Desire Android-based mobile phone.





Simple Solution #8: Irish Dáil Reform



THE PROBLEM: The Irish house of Parliament (the Dáil) is in a mess. There’s a massive job ahead to be done, but time and again politicians are voted into power based on their ability to bring investment or at least a little positive attention to their local area, rather than having an ability to face or tackle the national problems of the country.

“He may not be able to renegotiate a deal with Brussels, but he’ll make sure the road outside my house looks alright.”



THE SOLUTION: Nobody should be allowed vote for their own ministers.


ie. ..People in Cork should be given a choice of Carlow candidates, people in Donegal should vote to put in Waterford ministers, Galway people should be given a choice of Louth political wannabes, etc..

Existing political approaches and constructs such as “clinics” should be allowed continue as before, but not in the voting areas -rather in the area in which the politician has been elected to represent. (eg. a Louth TD should live in Louth and not be allowed have a clinic in Galway.)


This ensures that


a) Nobody can think only of himself/herself when voting for a candidate since the person who gets in will not be responsible for “the road outside my house”.


b) Everyone will consider the national interest when voting.


c) Candidates will run with a national-interest mindset and agenda.


What’s good for the country will ultimately trickle down to local rights, rules and regulations.



OF COURSE THIS WON’T BE ADOPTED BECAUSE: Irish people have voted for the same political party since ever. Even now they are set to vote back in their local Fianna Fáil (or any other “established” party candidate) because “he’s not one of them fellas who made the mess -an’ didn’t he turn up to Johnny’s funeral last November on a rainy day!”


“Political Reform” to any of these people means a token reduction in expenses and perhaps removing automatic rights for some TDs to a state car & driver.


Same ole wankers will get back in, even if some of them have different faces. Same ole crap will be the result. Nothing will change except the people of Ireland slouch their shoulders and prepare for a hundred years of hardship.


Recommended Reading


I think there are far too many blogs out there doing nothing but rephrasing other blogs. I prefer to keep this site for “original content” in the main (has been sparse lately I know -I’ll be back! Soon!), but also to link to the original sites (or where I originally saw them perhaps) whenever possible. …And anyway, of course this is not a blog!


For that reason, I hope the “Recommended Reading” widget on the left of this page will prove interesting and/or fun. It might be some lengthy write-up, but more often than not my guess is it’ll be something not-too-long, but not too distracting-for-the-sake-of-it.


Nine Kids


I was talking to a man a couple of weeks ago, who during the course of the conversation mentioned he had nine children.


“Nine kids!?” I cried.


“Yes,” he nodded sagely before sitting back in his chair as if to intone some wise words.
“And the funny thing is,” he declared, “six of them turned out great!”


Snow is like People


We were driving through the snow earlier today when a philiosophical young five year old came out with a good one from the back seat.


“Y’know,” he said, “snow is like people…”


I asked how.


“They both go up and over the car” he explained. I noticed how the falling flakes changed its downward path as the car sliced through the light blizzard.

“How do people go up and over the car?” I asked.

“Y’know …when they hit the bonnet”


One slide


Yesterday I collected my son (5 years old) from a party at a local play centre. His eyes welled-up as I approached him.

“What’s wrong?” I asked.

“I didn’t want to go yet,” he cried.

I told him, “well OK, go and have one slide down.”

Immediately his face burst into joy and he ran off laughing.

“..but we’re leaving as soon as you do one slide!” I called after him.

“Alright,” he shouted, pausing to look back, “but I’m not going down any slide so I won’t be back for a while!”


This Little Piggy Went to the Market

Paul Krugman at the New York Times reflects on a comment by “ObsessiveMathsFreak” on Finally I can see sense in the markets. Thanks ObsessiveMathsFreak!


The markets want money for cocaine and prostitutes. I am deadly serious.

Most people don’t realize that “the markets” are in reality 22-27 year old business school graduates, furiously concocting chaotic trading strategies on excel sheets and reporting to bosses perhaps 5 years senior to them. In addition, they generally possess the mentality and probably intelligence of junior cycle secondary school students. Without knowladge of these basic facts, nothing about the markets makes any sense—and with knowladge, everything does.

What the markets, bond and speculators, etc, want right now is for Ireland to give them a feel good feeling, nothing more. A single sharp, sweeping budget would do that; a four year budget plan will not. Remember that most of these guys won’t actually still be trading in four years. They’ll either have retired or will have been promoted to a position where they don’t care about Ireland anymore. Anyone that does will be a major speculator looking to short the country for massive profit.

In lieu of a proper budget, what the country can do—and what will work—is bribe senior ratings agencies owners and officials to give the country a better rating. Even a few millions spent on bumping up Ireland’s rating would save millions and possibly save the country.

Bread and circuses for the masses; cocaine and prostitutes for the markets. This can be looked on as unethical obviously, but since the entire system is unethical, unprincipled and chaotic anyway, why not just exploit that fact to do some good for the nation instead of bankrupting it in an effort to buy new BMWs for unmarried 25 year olds.



You go ObsessiveMathsFreak!

Back to School -Morning Rules


Now that the kids are going back to school (next week), I am reminded of the rules I stuck on the wall some time ago..


Do you find yourself going through the same routine, saying/ shouting the same things every school morning?

Well, post up these rules (or your own version thereof) and reap the benefits!



Now the kids know what they need to do each morning and it saves a lot of heartache to just say “have you done everything on the list?” instead of listing same over and over and over each and every morning.


You know it makes sense!


(I’m often asked why the “no juggling” rule. Short answer is, rules shouldn’t necessarily be an interdiction on everything one might enjoy, nor should they be seen as solely “about me”. And it’s nice to have a rule that isn’t always being broken.)
