[Results] Week 15 Winner Here

Rory Corbett, Betty Forde, Shay Forde VOTED FOR… # 38 (3 votes)
(This was actually… Kaptiongod’s caption #1.)

Michael “TSB” Murphy VOTED FOR… # 67 (1 votes)
(This was actually… Kaptiongod’s caption #4.)

razor, Bill Hennessy VOTED FOR… # 83 (2 votes)
(This was actually… Kevin O’Leary’s caption #1.)

Bob O’Brien, Frank O’Shea, Darren O’Keeffe VOTED FOR… # 41 (3 votes)
(This was actually… Rory Corbett’s caption #2.)

Con Dorgan VOTED FOR… # 39 (1 votes)
(This was actually… Rory Corbett’s caption #3.)


Continue reading [Results] Week 15 Winner Here

[Results] Week 12 Winner Here

One captioneer won most of the votes -spread across a number of his captions…
Rory Corbett VOTED FOR… # 34 (1 votes)
(This was actually… Kaptiongod’s caption #3.)

Joe Fox VOTED FOR… # 24 (1 votes)
(This was actually… Kevin O’Leary’s caption #1.)

Kevin O’Leary, Darren O’Keeffe VOTED FOR… # 10 (2 votes)
(This was actually… Rory Corbett’s caption #1.)

Sokoccino VOTED FOR… # 31 (1 votes)
(This was actually… Rory Corbett’s caption #4.)

Pierce Nagle, razor, Paul O’Sullivan, Frank O’Shea VOTED FOR… # 2 (4 votes)
(This was actually… Rory Corbett’s caption #5.)

Shay Forde VOTED FOR… # 41 (1 votes)
(This was actually… Sokoccino’s caption #1.)

Betty Forde VOTED FOR… # 85 (1 votes)
(This was actually… Con Dorgan’s caption #1.)

Con Dorgan VOTED FOR… # 62 (1 votes)
(This was actually… Frank O’Shea’s caption #2.)

Clearly, Rory Corbett knows his bums -and the people agree!

Continue reading [Results] Week 12 Winner Here