Category Archives: Film

THEORY -Chitty Chitty Bang Bang ..more than meets the eye


The movie Chitty Chitty Bang Bang contains many unanswered questions (and I am talking here of the movie itself with screenplay by Roald Dahl- not the vaguely-related book by Ian Fleming, nor the more recent stage show), namely


1. Why is the land of Vulgaria ruled over by a “Baron” of all things?


2. Why are children banished from the land?


3. Why is there a thinly-veiled sadomasochistic scene between the Baron and his wife where he tries to kill her while professing his love while she is prancing around in sexy lingerie?


4. Does she know he is trying to kill her and if so, why does she never acknowledge it?


Continue reading THEORY -Chitty Chitty Bang Bang ..more than meets the eye

THING -Chitty Chitty Bang Bang -an in-depth look #1

“It’s just a kids’ movie,” I hear all the time. “Not worthy of analysis.”
Are only so-called serious films worthy of closer looks? Are funny things less worthy? Is less thought put in to making funny and ‘child-friendly’ films?


If so, things weren’t always this way, you know. Let’s take a closer look at Chitty Chitty Bang Bang to allow me to explain precisely what I mean (and also to somewhat-validate the theory I mentioned around here someplace).


Continue reading THING -Chitty Chitty Bang Bang -an in-depth look #1