Apologies to those of you who have contacted me (or not), wondering about the new video + song, but due to events beyond our control it now won’t be out until Friday the 20th of March (2009) at the earliest.
Category Archives: Music
Beautiful Rain
Yesterday John Poland and I (with the help of other invaluable souls) shot another video. Our third. This one is called Beautiful Rain.
As you can imagine with a title like that, the video involved some rain. It was a tough shoot. Not very much went according to our simple plans. On paper it was very straightforward: There are just two verses in this song, with a small instrumental bit in between.
The idea for the video was this:
1. We see rain.
2. JP sings the first verse while standing in the rain.
3. Gorilla sees JP, casts off his umbrella and begins dancing in the rain.
4. JP sings the 2nd verse while standing in the rain, turning in circles.
That, more or less was the plan. We even had a little actual rain, which was nice. But we knew we would need a little more rain no matter what, so we were prepared with a hose with suitable sprinkler attachment.
We did some practice takes, with rainwear, but only when JP removed his protective clothing and began singing under the falldown did it become apparent that it was too damn cold!
Unfortunately, in the spot we were filming we were unable to run some hot water through a hose, otherwise it probably might have been doable. But within a minute-or-so it was obvious this idea would have to be scrapped.
Take a look at a wet JP:
As you can imagine, I didn’t have it easy. Nothing I did or said could make it possible for JP to do it.
Anyway, initially we thought the day was a washout if you pardon the pun, but after thinking about it some more we came up with other ways of doing things. We made some compromises and added some alternative shots. That’s what happens with filming all the time, no doubt.
The important thing is WE WERE NOT BEATEN! We got the shots we needed -well almost all. We just need a teensy bit more -but we’re waiting for the right time to shoot.
Fear not -you will see the final video on here first, so keep checking back throughout the week to see how it looks. And did I mention the song is very nice indeed? Wait til you hear it -another great tune for our forthcoming Happiness Album !
More Monkey Business
Once again John Poland scours the deepest recesses of the mind and comes to grips with the primitive thoughts within. It’s not always glum in there y’know!
Be sure to keep watching to the end!
Simply Happy Ringtone!
I know what you’re thinking -“How could I possibly afford a Simply Happy Ringtone!?”
But fret not, because not only is this ringtone very cheap, it is in fact FREE!
You’ve watched the video, below, and sung along on the second listen and you found you couldn’t get the tune out of your head.
Now, take this mp3 ringtone (rightclick/Save-As) and do the same to your friends and enemies. Go forth and infest them with the upbeat positivity of your incoming phonecalls!
(Above ringtone contains the first Simply Happy chorus, followed by the more frenetic final chorus if you haven’t answered by then. If you’d prefer just the final chorus you can download it here.)
Spread the Happiness -Prepare to be hated!
Simply Happy!
I’ve talked of Happiness here and here. One of the reasons is because I’ve been writing some lyrics for songs with my friend John Poland and we recently entered a song -called SIMPLY HAPPY- for Ireland in the Eurovision Song Contest.
You might recall I previously mentioned our adventures in making the video, well now you can experience some of the mayhem of that day for yourself. Spare a thought for poor Mrs. Rumm operating the bubble machine with her sore back (slowly getting better thanksforasking) in the midst of all this chaos.
We hope you enjoy and experience a little bit of happiness for these three minutes.
SIMPLY HAPPY by John Poland & Stanley Rumm
NOTE: You need to click the ‘UP ARROW’ type thingy on the bottom right of the video and select “HQ” to view it in high quality. The standard view is unwatchable.
Feel free to comment here, but it would be appreciated if you could click the video and rate & respond in youtube itself.