Simple Solutions

In this (probably infrequent) series I intend to posit some unconventional/ will-never-be-tried solutions to problems of our times.


This time around…


THE PROBLEM: DRUNK DRIVING/ Reducing the number of road deaths caused by alcohol consumption.


THE SOLUTION: Allow Drunk Driving


I realise it’s a cause without a rebel, but let me toss this out and see what you make of it after you think it over (don’t rush to judgement)…


Cars should have a big red button marked “DRUNK”.


When you press it


a) the outside of the car lights up so it can easily be seen by everyone near and far.



b) it forces the car to travel at 10MPH Max.


Anyone caught drunk driving/ over-the-limit without the Drunk button pressed should be shot on sight.


I’m not joking. Drunks walking home are probably more dangerous to themselves and others than a deliberately-slowed well-lit driver.

What serious harm could a 10MPH car actually do? If the driver crashes and damages a wall or something of course he’d still be liable, etc.


Now tell me, leaving aside the fact that it will never be adopted, why is it such a stupid idea?


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